Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Site"seeing through Google

I just got back from an amazing vacation to the Dominican Republic with my mother.  It was a special graduation gift for earning my master's degree.  It was relaxing and so fun to learn about the culture and push myself in new and exciting ways.  The most exciting part was climbing up a mountain just to fall down the waterfalls.  I found this activity has so many parallels in our lives as teachers.  When it comes to trying out new things I feel like it is an uphill battle.  Just like with new technology or the latest teaching strategy, or new curriculum.  The mountain is daunting and scary.  Sometimes we feel like we can make it, but there are ALWAYS other teachers, parent, students, family and friends that are there to back us up.  They are willing to slow down with us and coach us on.  Well, I felt like I would die climbing the mountain in the DR, but my mom and our guide stopped with me and kept coaching me on.  Even in tears and worrying about how I was holding everyone in the group back they kept coaching me.  When I made it to the top is was amazing and the cool water felt so great.  Now it is time to go it alone and take the plunge.  When you are trying on your own it looks so scary.

All you can think is "holy cow"!  You just have to think about all of your preparation and coaching,  and some how you push yourself to jump and when you look back it is not as bad as it seemed.  

At the end, you made it and are a better person and have had a great effect on those around you.  

Now I know that you are all wondering why I am sharing my crazing waterfall sliding adventure, but I found that my life as a teacher attempting to us technology is a lot like this scenario.  It is scary to try new things, but it all will work out.

Google Site Creation

This week's challenge is a little more daunting than normal.  We have been working on climbing to the top by practicing our google skills.  Now we are going to apply it all by creating a Google Site!  Don't be afraid, because now that we are on the top we just need to give the confidence to take the plunge.  Here is a video to help you get started.

There are a million different add-ons for your site.  You can add a calendar, mini-blog, checklists, and I could go on and on.  However, that might bore you so here are a few sites I found that can help guide you into whatever you are interested in adding.

There really are a billion (note how this number keeps going higher and higher) tools to help you on your way to creating a classroom website.  I created one recently for my debate and forensics team for next year and I am very excited to share it with my parents.  It will be one way that I can reach out to everyone interested in our team at once.  No more crazy emails hoping I have everyone on the email list!

I can tell you that Google has created an easy way to create a website.  I figured out the majority of it by taking the time to tinker around and the questions I did have were easily answered by googling my question.  You just need to take the time to explore and don't stress about the jump.  Remember when you are done you will wonder why you were holding back on creating a classroom site this whole time.  

Until Next Time...

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